Excellence in Research and Teaching

CEMFI is a leading graduate school in Economics in the heart of Madrid.

Master in Economics and Finance

A rigorous two-year program that successfully places students in the professional job market as well as in top doctoral programs.

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PhD in

A selective doctoral program that is endorsed by the quality of its placements and the career paths of its graduates.

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Job Market Candidates

2024-2025 Job Market Candidates in the academic market

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Our faculty are leaders in their fields of expertise and regularly publish in the leading journals of Economics.

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Intensive, one-week courses covering the most recent developments in fields within CEMFI's range of expertise.

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Recent publications

Gilles Duranton and Diego Puga

Econometrica, 2023.

Jorge De la Roca, Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano and Diego Puga

Journal of the European Economic Association, 2023.

Fatih Karahan, Kurt Mitman and Brendan Moore

Journal of Political Economy, 2025.

Gerard Llobet and Jorge Padilla

Journal of Industrial Economics, 2023.

Marcus Hagedorn, Lourii Manovskii and Kurt Mitman

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2025.

Anatoli Segura and Javier Suarez

Journal of Financial Intermediation, 2023.