
CEMFI collaborates with public institutions and participates in joint research projects and networks involving other research institutions in Europe.

Inclusion Policy Evaluation

Professors Samuel Bentolila and Monica Martinez-Bravo coordinate with J-PAL Europe a team of researchers that are evaluating 23 randomized controlled trials on social inclusion policies linked to the minimum income scheme in the areas of education, digitalization, housing and energy poverty, social support and benefit non-take up, and work and entrepreneurship. The projects were promoted by the General Secretariat for Inclusion of the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations, with funding from the European Union’s NextGenerationEU program, as part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)

SHARE is a survey jointly developed with institutions from 28 other European countries. Professor Pedro Mira and CEMFI have been responsible for the ten survey waves so far undertaken in Spain: the first three were funded by the European Commission, the fourth by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (formerly, MICINN), the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth by the European Commission and the Bank of Spain, and the tenth by the European Commission and the Ministry for the inclusion, Social security and migration.