Application and fees

Admission requirements

Applicants for Summer-School courses must have a university degree (BA or equivalent). The description indicates the background required to take full advantage of each course. A good command of English is also necessary.

Admission decisions will be based on the educational background and professional experience of the applicants, as well as the order of arrival of the applications.

Online application process

Applications for admission should be submitted electronically by 13 June. Applications received after this deadline will be processed subject to availability. To facilitate communication throughout the process, each completed application generates a reservation number.


Applicants will be informed about the admission decision no later than 20 June. Each applicant will receive an admission number for each of the courses to which he or she has been admitted.

Tuition fees

General fee: EUR 2,100 per course.

Academic fee: EUR 1,000 per course.

NOTE: Academic fees are only applicable to full-time university faculty or researchers at public-sector research institutions, or full-time graduate students. PhD students may opt for an additional discount of EUR 400 by sending a letter and a CV addressed to the Director of the CSS ( before 13 June documenting the circumstances that justify this reduction.


Each admitted applicant must advance a non-refundable deposit of EUR 200 per course before 2 July. The remainder of the tuition fee should be paid before 21 July.

Applicants will receive a personalized URL to complete their payments online using a credit or debit-card (Visa, Mastercard, and 4B are accepted). Alternatively they can pay by transfer to the bank account described below. In this last case, a copy of the transfer receipt should be sent as a pdf file to with a clear indication of the admission number to which the payment refers.

Account holder: CEMFI
IBAN code: ES7921001433850200193226

An invoice will be sent by email. For other accounting matters, please contact

Cancellation terms

Accepted participants can make written cancellation requests no later than 10 working days before the beginning of a course; in that case, they shall be eligible to receive a 75% refund of tuition fees.

A person with a similar educational and professional background may be permitted to substitute during the entire duration of a course for an admitted general-fee participant without additional payment. Advance notice of any such substitution is required.

CEMFI reserves the right to change or cancel any part of its published program due to unforeseen circumstances. If a course is canceled, participants will receive a full refund of reservation and tuition fees. CEMFI will not compensate for other expenses, such as those related to travel and accommodation, that participants might have already incurred.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us:

  • Contact form
  • Postal address
    Casado del Alisal, 5
    28014 Madrid

  • Phone: +34 914 290 551