Academic staff
Dante Amengual
PhD in Economics, Princeton University, 2009
Personal details

Research interests
Financial volatility, asset pricing, risk management, factor analysis
Selected publications
- "Resolution of policy uncertainty and sudden declines in volatility", with Dacheng Xiu, Journal of Econometrics, 203 (2018), 297-315.
- "Market-Based Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models", with Yacine Aït-Sahalia and Elena Manresa, Journal of Econometrics, 187 (2015), 418-435.
- "Sequential Estimators of Shape Parameters in Multivariate Dynamic Models", with Gabriele Fiorentini and Enrique Sentana, Journal of Econometrics, 177 (2013), 233-249.
- "A Comparison of Mean-Variance Efficiency Tests", with Enrique Sentana, Journal of Econometrics, 154 (2010), 16-34.
- "Consistent Estimation of the Number of Dynamic Factors in a Large N and T Panel", with M. Watson, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 25 (2007), 91-96.