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Discussions The Secular Decline of Bank Balance Sheet Lending, by Greg Buchak, Gregor Matvos, Tomasz Piskorski, and Amit Seru, LSE 4th Annual Conference on Non-Bank Financial Sector and Financial Stability, London, June 2024. Stop Believing in Reserves, by Sriya Anbil, Alyssa Anderson, Ethan Cohen, and Romina Ruprecht, ECB Conference on Money Markets, Frankfurt, November 2023. The Conundrum of Zero APR An Analytical Framework, by Lukasz Drozd and Michal Kowalik, 30th Finance Forum, Málaga, July 2023. Banks vs. Firms: Who Benefits from Credit Guarantees?, by Alberto Martin, Sergio Mayordomo, and Victoria Vanasco, Madrid Barcelona Workshop on Banking and Corporate Finance, October 2022. An Analysis of the Literature on International Unconventional Monetary Policy, by Saroj Bhattarai and Christopher Neely, Norges Bank Workshop on Unconventional Monetary Policy, June 2021. The New Titans of Wall Street A Theoretical Framework for Passive Investors, by Jill Fisch, Assaf Hamdani, and Steven D. Solomon, IESE-ECGI Corporate Governance Conference, Barcelona, October 2019. Lender of Last Resort versus Buyer of Last Resort, by Viral Acharya, Diane Pierret, and Sascha Steffen, Money Markets and Central Bank Balance Sheets Conference, ECB, November 2018. How Do Bank-Specific Characteristics Affect Lending?, by Carlos Cantú, Stijn Claessens, and Leonardo Gambacorta, BIS Conference on Changes in bank’s business models, Mexico City, September 2018. Monetary Easing, Investment and Financial Instability, by Viral Acharya and Guillaume Plantin, First Annual Research Conference, Bank of Spain, September 2017. Intermediaries as Safety Providers, by Toni Ahnert and Enrico Perotti, Conference on Modelling Credit Cycles, Imperial College London, April 2017. Risk-taking and Joint Liquidity and Capital Regulation, by Demian Macedo and Sergio Vicente, MadBar Workshop on Banking and Corporate Finance, UC3M, September 2016. Optimal Deposit Insurance, by Eduardo Dávila and Itay Goldstein, Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference, Lisbon, June 2016. Financial Institution Dynamics and Capital Regulations, by José-Víctor Ríos-Rull, Tamon Takamura and Yaz Terajima, Fifth BIS Consultative Council for the Americas Conference, Bogotá, May 2014. Government Guarantees and Financial Stability, by Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Itay Goldstein, and Agnese Leonello, Conference on Financial Stability and Regulation, IESE, Barcelona, March 2014. CMBS Subordination, Ratings Inflation, and Regulatory Capital Arbitrage, by Richard Stanton and Nancy Wallace, XIII Madrid Finance Workshop, IESE, November 2012. Bank Competition and Financial Stability: A General Equilibrium Exposition, by Gianni De Nicolò and Marcella Lucchetta, Conference on the Banking Sector and the State, Munich, November 2012. Challenges and Lessons of the Federal Reserve’s Monetary Policy Operations during the Financial Crisis, by Spence Hilton and James McAndrews, Sixth ECB Central Banking Conference, Frankfurt, November 2010. Implementing Monetary Policy in Crisis Times: The Case of the ECB, by Nuno Cassola, Alain Durré and Cornelia Holthausen, Sixth ECB Central Banking Conference, Frankfurt, November 2010. Taming SIFIs, by Xavier Freixas and Jean-Charles Rochet, Workshop on Bank Insolvency, Restructuring, and Recapitalisation, Austrian National Bank, Vienna, September 2010. Endogenous Systemic Liquidity Risk, by Jin Cao and Gerhard Illing, Second IJCB Financial Stability Conference, Banco de España, Madrid, June 2010. Contagious Illiquidity, by John Moore, Madrid Finance Workshop, CEMFI, February 2010. The Monetary Face of the Crisis, by Jürgen von Hagen, Observatory of the ECB 10th Anniversary Workshop, CEMFI, January 2010. A Tale of Two Central Banks in the Eye of a Storm, by Charles Wyplosz, Observatory of the ECB 10th Anniversary Workshop, CEMFI, January 2010. Did Good 'Cajas' Extend Bad Loans? Governance, Human Capital and Loan Portfolios, by Vicente Cuñat and Luis Garicano, FEDEA Annual Policy Conference, Madrid, October 2009. Regulatory Reform: Integrating Paradigms, by Augusto de la Torre and Alain Ize, World Bank and Banco de España Conference on Reforming Financial Regulation and Supervision, Madrid, June 2009. Incentives and Tranche Retention in Securitization, by Ingo Fender and Janet Mitchell, Basel Committee Research Task Force Workshop, Banco de España, May 2009 Mortgage Loan Securitization and Relative Loan Performance, by John Kreiner and Elizabeth Laderman, Basel Committee Research Task Force Workshop, Banco de España, May 2009 The Euro as a Reserve Currency for Global Investors, by Luis Viceira, Spain in the EMU Conference, Banco de España, February 2009 Understanding Monetary Policy Implementation, by Huberto Ennis and Todd Keister, Conference on the Role of Money Markets, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, May 2008 Fund Managers and Defaultable Debt, by Veronica Guerrieri and Péter Kondor, Conference on Modeling Financial Frictions, Chicago GSB, May 2008 Governance Through Exit and Voice: A Theory of Multiple Blockholders, by Alex Edmans and Gustavo Manso, 10th Annual Texas Finance Festival, April 2008 Bank Competition, Risk, and Asset Allocations: New Theory and New Evidence, by John Boyd, Gianni de Nicolò, and Abu Jalal, Banco de Portugal Conference on Bank Competition, Porto, July 2007 Understanding Basel II Operational and Strategic Implications, by Oliver Baete, Second Annual Conference on The Future of Financial Regulation, LSE Financial Markets Group, April 2006 Structure and Organization of Cross-Sector Financial Supervision, by Richard Herring, Second Annual Conference on The Future of Financial Regulation, LSE Financial Markets Group, April 2006 Illiquidity in the Interbank Payment System following Wide-Scale Disruptions, by Morten Bech and Rod Garratt, 4th Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Frankfurt, November 2005 Liquidity Risk in Securities Settlement, by Johan Devriese and Janet Mitchell, 4th Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Frankfurt, November 2005 Interbank Contagion: Evidence from Real Transactions, by Rajkamal Iyer and José L. Peydró-Alcalde, 4th Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, Frankfurt, November 2005 Market Liquidity, Managerial Autonomy and the Push for Privacy: Why Do Publicly-Listed Firms Delist?, by Arnoud Boot, Radha Gopalan and Anjan Thakor, Symposium on the Ownership of the Modern Corporation, Zandvoort, September 2005 Money in a Theory of Banking, by Douglas Diamond and Raghu Rajan, Fundación Ramón Areces Conference on Informational and Behavioral Biases in Capital Markets, Madrid, July 2005 Monetary Policy and Asset Price Bubbles, by Andrew Filardo, Bank of England Workshop on the Relationship between Financial and Monetary Stability, London, June 2005 Credit Cycles, Credit Risk, and Prudential Regulation, by Gabriel Jiménez and Jesús Saurina, Bank of England Workshop on the Relationship between Financial and Monetary Stability, London, June 2005 Regulating Risk, by Jón Daníelsson, Bank of England Workshop on the Relationship between Financial and Monetary Stability, London, June 2005 The Effect of Fair vs Book Value Accounting on the Liquidity and Investment Behaviour of Banks, by Katrin Burkhardt and Roland Strausz, Fundación Ramón Areces Conference on Prudential Regulation and Banking Supervision, Madrid, November 2004 Financing Choices of Banks: The Role of Non-Binding Capital Requirements, by Jie Gan, Basel Committee Workshop on Accounting, Transparency, and Bank Stability, Basel, May 2004 Theory
and Practice of Banking Regulation, by Xavier Freixas and Jesús
Saurina, Moneda y Crédito Symposium, Madrid, November 2003