Madrid, 26-27 May 2011
CEMFI. Casado del Alisal, 5, 28014 Madrid
Thursday, 26 May 2011
9h30-10h30 Welcome and Breakfast at CEMFI
10h30-12h Alex Torgovitsky (Yale):
''Identification and Estimation of Nonseparable Models with General Instruments.''
12h00-13h30 Mar Reguant (MIT):
''The Welfare Effects of Complementary Bidding Mechanisms: An Empirical Analysis of the Spanish Wholesale Electricity Market.''
13h30-15h30 Sandwich lunch at CEMFI
15h30-17h Peter Koudijs (Pompeu Fabra):
''The Boats that did not sail. News, Trading and Asset Price Volatility in a Natural Experiment.''
17h00-17h30 Coffee break at CEMFI
17h30-19h Alessandra Voena (Stanford):
''Yours, Mine and Ours: Do Divorce Laws Affect the Intertemporal Behavior of Married Couples?''
20h30-23h Dinner at La Giralda, Claudio Coello 24
Friday, 27 May 2011
9h-10h30 Kei Kawai (Northwestern):
''Auction Design and the Incentives to Invest: Evidence from Procurement Auctions.''
10h30-11h Coffee break at CEMFI
11h-12h30 Daniel Keniston (MIT):
''Bargaining and Welfare: A Dynamic Structural Analysis of the Autorickshaw Market.''
12h30-14h Alex Wolitzky (MIT):
''Reputational Bargaining under Knowledge of Rationality.''
14h-15h Sandwich lunch at CEMFI