CEMFI. Casado del Alisal, 5, 28014 Madrid
The Review of Economic Studies European Meetings have been held annually in May since 1989. Each year, seven of the most successful job market candidates and most promising graduating doctoral students in economics and finance in the world are selected to present their research to audiences in Europe. This year, the REStud tour visits Warwick, UK, the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel and CEMFI.
The conference at CEMFI will take place on May 22th (Thursday, full day) and May 23th (Friday, morning). Below is the list of seminar speakers and links to the papers they will present. Attendance will be by invitation. To generate a good rapport between the speakers and the audience, we would like to ask everyone to stay for both days.
For any feedback, you can contact Stéphane Bonhomme (CEMFI) or Laura Hospido (Bank of Spain).
The seven participants are:
Greg Fischer (MIT):
"Contract Structure, Risk Sharing, and Investment Choice"
Kyna Fong (Stanford):
"Evaluating Skilled Experts: Optimal Scoring Rules for Surgeons"
Ian Martin (Harvard):
"The Lucas Orchard"
Denis Nekipelov (Duke):
"Entry deterrence and Learning Prevention on eBay"
Ralph Ossa (LSE/Princeton):
"A 'New Trade' Theory of GATT/WTO Negotiations"
Tomasz Strzalecki (Northwestern):
"Axiomatic Foundations of Multiplier Preferences"
Matthew Weinzierl (Harvard):
"The Surprising Power of Age-Dependent Taxes"