Nezih Guner


Director and Professor of Economics at CEMFI

Banco de España-CEMFI Research Associate

ICREA Research Professor (on leave)


              E-mail: nezih.guner[AT]


Publications           CV


Recent Publications


Does the Added Worker Effect Matter?  (with Yuliya Kulikova and Arnau Valladares-Esteban), August 2024, fortcoming, Review of Economic Dynamics.


Labor Market Power and Development (with Tristany Armangué-Jubert and Alessandro Ruggieri), July 2024, forthcoming, American Economic Review-Insights. 


Labor Market Institutions and Fertility (with Ezgi Kaya and Virginia Sánchez Marcos), August 2024, International Economic Review. Slides


Nada es Gratis (in Spanish)


Rethinking the Welfare State (with Remzi Kaygusuz and Gustavo Ventura), November 2023, Econometrica. Slides


Video of Pierre Werner Chair Lecture by Nezih Guner, 17 March 2021

Read Le Monde Features


The Looming Fiscal Reckoning: Tax Distortions, Top Earners, and Revenues (with Martin Lopez-Daneri and Gustavo Ventura), October 2023, Review of Economic Dynamics. Slides


Working Papers


Family-Friendly Policies and Fertility: What Firms Got to Do (with Olympia Bover, Yuliya Kulikova, Alessandra Ruggieri, and Carlos Sanz), March 2025. New!


Opioids and Post-COVID Labor Force Participation (with Francesco Chiocchio, Jeremy Greenwood, and Karen A. Kopecky), March 2025. New Version!


The Role of Friends in the Opioid Epidemic (with Effrosyni Adamopoulou, Jeremy Greenwood, and Karen Kopecky), January 2025. New Version!


Read Peter Coy, NYtimes


The Downward Spiral (with Jeremy Greenwood and Karen Kopecky), January 2025. New Version!


Means-Tested Transfers in the US: Facts and Parametric Estimates (with Christopher Rauh and Gustavo Ventura), December 2024. New!



Demographic Transitions across Time and Space (with Matthew J. Delventhal and Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde), July 2024. New Version!


Check the interactive webpage where you can access our data on demographic transitions HERE!


Segregation and Sorting of U.S. Households: Who Marries Whom and Where? (with Davide Alonzo and Claudio Luccioletti and ), November 2023.


Misallocation and Inequality (with Alessandro Ruggieri), May 2023. R&R American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics


Incarceration, Unemployment, and the Racial Marriage Divide (Elizabeth Caucutt and Christopher Rauh), November 2021. R&R Review of Economic Studies




Optimal Spatial Taxation: Are Big Cities Too Small? (with Jan Eeckhout), R&R Journal of European Economic Association


BSE Focus